Public Guardian Services
What We Do
Public Guardian Services is a pilot project, providing guardianship and conservatorship services to Massachusetts residents in Suffolk, Norfolk and Plymouth Counties. We serve as a guardian, conservator, or other fiduciary of last resort for those who are decisionally impaired and who have no other suitable person available to assist.
Our goal is to provide the highest quality guardianship services while honoring our clients’ wishes, so they can live as independently and comfortably as possible.

We provide superior guardianship services to those who need it in Suffolk, Norfolk and Plymouth Counties. PGS provides stability by making informed decisions about needed personal, medical, social and housing services, respecting their wishes, preferences, and capacity, maximizing independence, and choosing the least restrictive alternatives.

Alternatives To Guardianship

Public Education
Public Guardian Services educates the community through our partnership with the Massachusetts Guardianship Policy Institute and their extensive and thorough trainings on guardianship and guardianship alternatives for professionals, families and the general public.
Criteria for a referral to Public Guardian Services:
- Does the person live in Suffolk, Norfolk or Plymouth County, Massachusetts?
- Has the person been deemed to lack capacity to make their own decisions?
- Has a “Medical Certificate” been completed for the person in need of a guardian or conservator?
- Has the “Clinical Team Report” been completed for the person needing a guardian/conservator?
- Has it been determined there is no appropriate other person to be named guardian?
- If a guardian is not named on the person’s behalf, will he or she be at risk?
If you have further questions regarding Public Guardian Services, please contact us at 781-917-3965 or by emailing info@publicguardianservices.